Sindbad søfareren 1947

Fantasy Adventure Family

In medieval Persia, during the rule of Caliph Harun-Al-Rashid, Sinbad the Sailor boasts about his latest adventures to his friends.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Sinbad, the Sailor Sinbad, the Sailor
  • AT: Sindbad der Seefahrer Sindbad der Seefahrer
  • BR: Simbad, o Marujo Simbad, o Marujo
  • CA: Sinbad le marin Sinbad le marin
  • CA: Sinbad, the Sailor Sinbad, the Sailor
  • CL: Simbad el marino Simbad el marino
  • FI: Sindbad merenkävijä Sindbad merenkävijä
  • FR: Sinbad le marin Sinbad le marin
  • FR: Sindbad le marin Sindbad le marin
  • GR: Sevah o Thalassinos Sevah o Thalassinos
  • GR: Σεβάχ ο θαλασσινός Σεβάχ ο θαλασσινός
  • HU: Szinbád, a hajós Szinbád, a hajós
  • IO: Sinbad, the Sailor Sinbad, the Sailor
  • IT: Sinbad il marinaio Sinbad il marinaio
  • JP: 船乗りシンバッドの冒険 船乗りシンバッドの冒険
  • MX: Simbad el marino Simbad el marino
  • NL: Sinbad de zeeman Sinbad de zeeman
  • PL: Sindbad żeglarz Sindbad żeglarz
  • PT: Sindbad, o Marinheiro Sindbad, o Marinheiro
  • PT: As Grandes Aventuras de Sinbad, o Marinheiro As Grandes Aventuras de Sinbad, o Marinheiro
  • RO: Sinbad marinarul Sinbad marinarul
  • RS: Синбад морепловац Синбад морепловац
  • RU: Синдбад-мореход Синдбад-мореход
  • ES: Simbad, el mariner Simbad, el mariner
  • ES: Simbad, el marino Simbad, el marino
  • SE: Sinbad sjöfararen Sinbad sjöfararen
  • TR: Şehzade Sinbad Şehzade Sinbad
  • UA: Sinbad, the Sailor Sinbad, the Sailor
  • US: The Strange Adventures of Sinbad The Strange Adventures of Sinbad
  • US: Strange Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor Strange Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
  • US: The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
  • US: Sinbad, the Sailor Sinbad, the Sailor
  • DE: Sindbad der Seefahrer Sindbad der Seefahrer
  • YU: Sinbad moreplovac Sinbad moreplovac
Data di rilascio 13 Jan 1947
Link IMDb
