Meñique y el espejo mágico 2014

Animation Adventure

In a magical world, small but brave Tom Little embarks on the adventure of a lifetime to release the kingdom from a spell and win the hand of a beautiful princess. But who is his true love: the king's daughter or the courageous thief?

Tutti i titoli
  • CU: Meñique y el espejo mágico Meñique y el espejo mágico
  • DE: Tom Däumling und der Zauberspiegel Tom Däumling und der Zauberspiegel
  • IL: Tom Little ou'mar'at ha'ksamim Tom Little ou'mar'at ha'ksamim
  • PE: Meñique: La historia de Pulgarcito Meñique: La historia de Pulgarcito
  • ES: Maimiño e o espello máxico Maimiño e o espello máxico
  • TR: Cesur Tom ve Sihirli Ayna Cesur Tom ve Sihirli Ayna
  • US: The Princess and the Magic Mirror The Princess and the Magic Mirror
  • US: Tom Little and the Magic Mirror Tom Little and the Magic Mirror
  • : Tom txiki eta ispilu magikoa Tom txiki eta ispilu magikoa
Data di rilascio 08 May 2015
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